Sunday, July 17, 2016

Day 3, July 16 - Part 1

Part 1 of Day 3, Saturday, July 16, walked from pct mile 1295.48, elev. 5946, to pct mile 1311.97, elev. 6343. Walked 16.47 miles total up/down +2655/-2206. 

Dear Trail Friends

Today I decided to begin with the trail report (which I have decided to call the trail journal) and put the poop journal at the end. If you are not interested in the trail journal, and only want to read about poop, please feel free to scroll down to the poop journal. 

TRAIL JOURNAL. Those of you who share my (slightly obsessive) fascination with miles walked and feet ascended and descended can tell at a glance that this was an easier day. I walked a little bit further but the ups and downs were much gentler. 

I woke a little earlier and began walking just before 6am beginning with crossing a beautiful high meadow full of flowers and early morning sun. Photo 1 gazes back across that meadow in the direction of my tent site. 


I climbed another 1000 ft and so wanted to capture the magic of the morning light and the brilliantly shining flowers. Photo 2 is a valiant though failed effort to do that. 


The walk kept being radiant -- photo 3 is another attempt to let you be there with me in the flowers and the light. 


I was also in love with the butterflies, fluttering in singles or dancing in pairs or pausing. Photos 5 and 6 show two who were kind enough to hold still for me. 



To be continued in Day 3, part 2


  1. Lovely butterfly that you are.
    . .your photos are delightful.

  2. Lovely butterfly that you are.
    . .your photos are delightful.
